Aaron Philip

Document Chat App

Document Chatting App Project Report

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Document Chat App


The Document Chatting App is a web application developed to facilitate efficient communication and collaboration around documents. Leveraging modern web technologies, the app enables users to upload documents and engage in real-time conversations, including cross-questioning based on the uploaded content. The app utilizes React for the frontend, Node.js for the backend, Pinecone for vector database management, and MongoDB for data storage.


  1. Document Upload: Users can upload documents to the app, which are then processed for content extraction and analysis.

  2. Real-time Chatting: Users can engage in real-time text-based conversations within the app's chatbox interface.

  3. Cross-Questioning: The app facilitates cross-questioning by allowing users to query specific content within the uploaded documents during conversations.

  4. Scalability: Leveraging Pinecone for vector database management and MongoDB for data storage ensures scalability and efficient handling of large volumes of documents and conversations.

  5. Deployment: The frontend is deployed on Vercel, while the backend is deployed on Render, ensuring high availability and reliability of the application.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: ReactJS
  • Backend: Node.js
  • Vector Database: Pinecone
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Deployment: Vercel (Frontend), Render (Backend)

Architecture Overview

The Document Chatting App follows a client-server architecture, where the frontend (client) communicates with the backend server to manage document uploads, text analysis, and chat functionality. Pinecone is utilized for efficient vector database management, enabling fast retrieval and processing of document-related information.


  • Frontend: Deployed on Vercel for easy access and scalability.
  • Backend: Deployed on Render to ensure reliability and high availability of backend services.

Future Enhancements

  1. User Authentication: Implement user authentication to secure access to the app's features and data.

  2. Document Analysis: Enhance document analysis capabilities to provide more insightful information during conversations.

  3. UI/UX Improvements: Continuously improve the user interface and experience for seamless interaction with the app.

  4. Integration with Third-Party Services: Integrate with external services for additional functionalities, such as document editing or collaborative annotation.


The Document Chatting App offers a novel approach to document collaboration by combining document uploading, text analysis, and real-time chatting functionalities. With a scalable architecture and deployment on reliable platforms, the app is well-equipped to support collaborative work scenarios across various domains.

For any inquiries or feedback, please contact the project team at aaronphilip2003@gmail.com.

Project Team:

  • Aaron Philip and Neeraj Varma (Project Lead)
  • Dr. Sanket Salvi (Faculty Advisor)